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Calculator Modes & Precision Settings

You can quickly change modes in DreamCalc by using the 'Modes' drop-down menu or by pressing the [MODE] key on the calculator. Press [MODE] repeatedly to cycle through setting screens which you will see in the LCD display.

Trigonometric Modes

You can set the calculator to use degrees, radians, grads or cycles when working with angles. This is applicable to trigonometric functions, such as sin, cos and tan etc., where:

360 degrees = 2 pi radians = 400 grads = 1 cycle, and
90 degrees = pi / 2 radians = 100 grads = 1/4 cycles.

Base-n Mode

In base-n mode, you can quickly convert integer values between decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal representations and gain access to the base-n functions. You will find this useful if you work with computers or electronics.


You can change the precision of the calculator's numeric display by selecting either normal 1, normal 2, fixed or scientific precision. When using fixed or scientific precision, you can set the number of decimal places in which to display the result.

The calculator supports two normal percision modes. In norm 1 mode, exponential notation is used for values with more than 18 digits and decimal values with more than two decimal places. The norm 2 mode is the same as norm 1, except that exponential notation is used only if the decimal is smaller than can be represented in 17 decimal places.

For example, in norm 1 mode the value 0.003 will be shown as 3×103, whereas in norm 2 it will be simply presented as 0.003.

In fixed precision mode, the result will always be rounded to the chosen number of decimal places. For example, pi will be shown as '3.142' when rounding to 3 decimal places. When using scientific precision, the result will always be represented in exponential form. For example, 500 will be displayed as '5×102'.

Statistical Mode

DreamCalc Pro currently supports the following statistical modes.

  • Standard Deviation
  • Linear Regression
  • Logarithmic Regression
  • Exponential Regression
  • Power Regression
  • Inverse Regression

See the statistics section for more information.

Financial Mode

If you are using the calculator's financial functions, you can change between BEGIN and END modes (applicable to Time Value of Money calculations). You can toggle this setting by pressing the [BEG/END] button in the financial section of the keypad.

Engineering Mode

In the engineering mode, 'ENG' will be shown in the numeric display panel, and values will be presented in an exponential form, with the exponent conventiently rounded to the nearest multiple of 3.

In addition, the appropriate SI Prefix will be displayed. See Engineering Features for more information.

Input Order

You can set the input order to standard or text book order. This affects the input key sequence used when entering formula. The current input order setting is shown in the top of the 'LCD' display as 'S' or 'T'. See the Formula Input Order for more information.

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